Roth Heat Diffusion Plate
Roth diffuser plates are designed to be installed directly on the top of suspended timber floor joists or floor battens filled with insulation. The aluminium plates lay flush across the joists or battens with minimum height build up creating 100% contact surface with the floor covering to provide an even heat distribution. This solution is designed to work with 16 mm PERT S5 pipe in 2 tracks with 200 mm centres.

Roth Heat Diffusion Plate with EPS insulation
This Roth diffuser plate solution is provided with 30 mm EPS insulation. The aluminium plate is designed to be installed directly on the top of the suspended timber floor joists. The insulation panel is positioned between the joists fixed onto wooden battens. The Aluminium plate lays flush across the joists or battens with minimum height build up creating 100% contact surface with floor covering resulting in even heat distribution. The Roth system uses 16 mm PERT S5 pipe in 2 tracks with 200 mm centres

Roth Routed EPS Universal System
The Roth universal EPS 30 mm panel can be used for all types of constructions. This panel can be laid on stable substrate of concrete, wood etc but can also be laid directly onto other forms of insulation. This panel is designed to be installed with either Roth X PERT S5 16 mm or 20 mm pipes which are laid in independent single tracked pre grooved aluminium heat distribution plates. There are two formats of this board either 2 tracks at 200 mm centres or 3 tracks at 150 mm centres depending on requirement.

Roth Routed Chipboard System
Roth universal chipboard system is an ideal solution for new construction and renovation projects replacing traditional chipboard floorboard areas. The system consists of a 22 mm routed board which can be laid in the same way as chipboard. The board is grooved to accommodate 16 mm pipe which sits in Roth Aluminium heat distribution plates. Each board has 3 single track plates at 150 mm or 200 mm centres to ensure the heat distribution can deliver the designed output requirement.